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The Drip Store Learning Center

The Drip Store’s comprehensive guide to drip irrigation offers over 90 pages of background information about drip irrigation, including the basics, design, layout, installation, water conservation tips, and technical information to assist you on your project. We have gathered a large amount of drip irrigation knowledge, presented in an easy-to-read format.

Planning Your Drip Irrigation System

When installing your water-saving, drip irrigation system, it’s essential to plan ahead! To make planning as convenient as possible for you, we’ve outlined five simple steps to help guide you to the right drip products for your landscape, and ensure drip system success!

Controllers and Drip Products 

Planting projects require an assortment of parts including the correct controller, drip emitters, drip lines, micro sprinklers, and micro sprayers depending on the size and shape of your project and its watering requirements. In this section you can review the different product types available and what environments they are designed for.

Initial Start-Up

Once you have a firm grasp on the system components, review the various installation layouts for the head assembly, including back flow device, controller, filter, pressure regulator and the correct connector to your main drip lateral. Then select the appropriate layout for the rest of the system, using the installation method that best suits your project.

Drip System Installations

In this section, we will cover how to install the different types of drip irrigation systems that are commonly used. While these types of systems all deliver water through various types of emission devices, the water source, installation, and layout methods are quite different. Read about the system installation and layout that applies to your plants and needs.

Greenhouse and Nursery Irrigation Systems

Review information of how to install a micro irrigation system for a greenhouse or nursery. Using uniform distribution micro sprinklers and drip emitters with triangle or rectangle spacing, we can reliably obtain total uniformity and good saturation for field production offering greenhouse growers precise application of irrigation water.

System Checks

In the initial stages of installing a drip irrigation system, it is important to familiarize yourself with the different components and their uses. This section will cover all of the drip irrigation terminology, component models, and how to systematically inspect your new system to ensure your drip system is a success!

Seasonal Irrigation 

One of the biggest variables to consider when planning your irrigation and planting schedule is the weather! Seasonal plants require a particular planting season in order to grow, ripen, or bloom, in addition to the correct amount of water. Here are the best planting strategies, month by month, so you can grow year round!


Gardening is a therapeutic, outdoor hobby and a great way to enjoy the beauty of plants. In order to have a flourishing garden, you must have a keen grasp of the two most important aspects of gardening; soil cultivation and watering. Creating an environment that is both nutrient rich and properly watered will produce the best results no matter what type of plants you are growing. This section will cover a variety of techniques on soil preparation and watering methods.

Tips and Facts

Do you know how to spot the problem when issues arise with your drip system? In this section, we will cover the most common problems that emerge and what the solutions are. Additionally, we will cover the main terms that are used when describing the different types of irrigation systems, how they are measured and tips for keeping them properly maintains.

Check out this design, installation and planning guide from DIG Corp.